Surface Evolution Equations
Yoshikazu Gigi
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Description for Surface Evolution Equations
Hardback. Presents a self-contained introduction to the analytic foundation of a level set approach for various surface evolution equations including curvature flow equations. This book aims to introduce a generalized notion of solutions allowing singularities, and to solve the initial-value problem globally-in-time in a generalized sense. Series: Monographs in Mathematics. Num Pages: 276 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PBKJ. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 244 x 170 x 20. Weight in Grams: 635.
This book is intended to be a self-contained introduction to analytic foundations of a level set method for various surface evolution equations including curvature ?ow equations. These equations are important in various ?elds including material sciences, image processing and di?erential geometry. The goal of this book is to introduce a generalized notion of solutions allowing singularities and solve the initial-value problem globally-in-time in a generalized sense. Various equivalent de?nitions of solutions are studied. Several new results on equivalence are also presented. Wepresentherearathercompleteintroductiontothetheoryofviscosityso- tionswhichis a keytoolforthe levelsetmethod. Alsoa self-containedexplanation isgivenforgeneralsurfaceevolutionequationsofthe secondorder.Althoughmost ofthe resultsin this book aremoreor lessknown,they arescatteredinseveralr- erences, sometimes without ... Read more
This book is intended to be a self-contained introduction to analytic foundations of a level set method for various surface evolution equations including curvature ?ow equations. These equations are important in various ?elds including material sciences, image processing and di?erential geometry. The goal of this book is to introduce a generalized notion of solutions allowing singularities and solve the initial-value problem globally-in-time in a generalized sense. Various equivalent de?nitions of solutions are studied. Several new results on equivalence are also presented. Wepresentherearathercompleteintroductiontothetheoryofviscosityso- tionswhichis a keytoolforthe levelsetmethod. Alsoa self-containedexplanation isgivenforgeneralsurfaceevolutionequationsofthe secondorder.Althoughmost ofthe resultsin this book aremoreor lessknown,they arescatteredinseveralr- erences, sometimes without ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Birkhauser Verlag AG Switzerland
Number of pages
Monographs in Mathematics
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Basel, Switzerland
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Surface Evolution Equations
In view of its detailed and thorough presentation this book will be a valuable source for everyone interested in the level set approach to surface evolution equations. Zentralblatt MATH