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Kenneth P. . Ed(S): Tercyak - Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents - 9781461423959 - V9781461423959
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Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents

€ 342.71
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Description for Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents paperback. This book introduces readers to the study of how genes, singly and in combination with each other and the environment, affect health and behavior. It provides family-focused perspectives relating to genetic counseling and education. Editor(s): Tercyak, Kenneth P. Series: Issues in Clinical Child Psychology. Num Pages: 615 pages, 14 black & white illustrations, biography. BIC Classification: JMC; MFN; MJW; MMH. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 249 x 180 x 34. Weight in Grams: 1130.
Today, individuals have greater access to information about their healththaneverbefore(Randeree,2009;Eysenbach,2008).Muchofthis changeisdue,inlargepart,toadvancesinbiotechnologyandtheseque- ing of the human genome (Manolio & Collins, 2009). It is now possible, forexample,forindividualstologontotheInternetand,forafeeofs- eral hundred dollars, order an at-home DNA collection kit and have the resultsofamyriadofgenetictestsdelivereddirectlytotheire-mailinbox (Gurwitz&Bregman-Eschet,2009).Insomecases,thesetestresultsmay indicatepersonalriskforcommonchronicdiseases,suchascertainforms ofcancer,diabetes,cardiovasculardisease,andseveralothers.Companies marketing these test kits often claim that promoting greater access to and awareness of the association between genes and health, and one's genetic susceptibilities to disease, leads to more proactive and insig- fulmethodsofindividualhealthmanagement(Hogarth,Javitt,&Melzer, 2008). Moreover, it is consistent with an emerging trend in medicine - that of consumer-oriented medicine - which places health information toolsdirectlyinthehandsofpatientsunderthepremiseoffosteringbetter patient-providercollaboration(Silvestre,Sue,&Allen,2009). Though the principles ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer United States
Number of pages
Issues in Clinical Child Psychology
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

About Kenneth P. . Ed(S): Tercyak
Kenneth P. Tercyak, PhD is an associate professor in the Division of Health Outcomes and Health Behaviors of the Department of Oncology and in Pediatrics at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC. He received his bachelor of arts degree in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and doctor of philosophy in clinical psychology from the University of Florida’s ... Read more

Reviews for Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents
From the reviews: “This book not only aims to provide a review of the state of the science, but also to explore the larger psychosocial and ethical issues inherent on this new frontier. It is appropriate for clinical and health psychologists, psychiatrists, genetic counselors, and others interested in the field. … This is a comprehensive book on a difficult, ... Read more

Goodreads reviews for Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents

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