Winnicott´s Children: Independent Psychoanalytic Approaches With Children and Adolescents
Ann Horne (Ed.)
Winnicott’s Children focuses on the use we make of the thinking and writing of DW Winnicott; how this has enhanced our understanding of children and the settings where we work, and how it has influenced the way in which we do that work. It is a volume by clinicians, concerned about how, as well as why, we engage with particular children in particular ways.
The book begins with a scholarly and accessible exposition of the place of Winnicott in his time, in relation to his contemporaries – Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, John Bowlby – and the development of his thinking. The ... Read more
There is a richness in the collection of subjects in this book, and in the experience of the writers. It will appeal to those who work with children – in child and family mental health settings, schools, hospitals, colleges and social care settings.
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