The Measurement and Management of Clinical Outcomes in Mental Health
John S. Lyons
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Once used almost exclusively by psychotherapy researchers, clinical outcomes testing is quickly becoming a standard component of mental health practice. JCAHO has mandated that outcomes must be included in mental health record keeping by the end of the decade, and the six largest managed care firms have announced plans to begin tracking clinical outcomes. While debates over the potential advantages and disadvantages of this move rage on, the fact remains that all clinicians in managed care systems will soon be compelled to incorporate outcomes assessment into their clinical routines.
The Measurement and Management of Clinical Outcomes in Mental Health prepares clinicians and administrators for this inevitability. Written by a team of experts with extensive experience in design and implementation, this timely book explores the rationale behind outcomes measurement and offers readers concrete advice and guidelines on conducting accurate and effective outcomes measurement.
In the first half of the book, the authors review the conceptual and practical aspects of outcomes management. Among the issues receiving special attention are: the psychometrics of outcomes; measuring patient satisfaction; implementation strategies; the role of consumer characteristics in outcomes management, especially in regard to needs-based planning; case-mix adjustment strategies; and barriers to implementation and strategies for overcoming them.
The second half of the book is devoted entirely to detailed case examples. Over the course of five chapters, the authors vividly illustrate their approaches to outcomes management in five different specialty areas—outpatient psychotherapy, acute psychiatric services, community services, child and adolescent services, and substance-abuse treatment services.
The first comprehensive guide to designing and implementing outcomes evaluation systems, The Measurement and Management of Clinical Outcomes in Mental Health is an important resource for all mental health practitioners as well as mental health and managed care administrators.
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About John S. Lyons
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