You Can Be Happy: The Scientifically Proven Way to Change How You Feel
Daniel Freeman
Do you feel that there’s room for a bit more happiness in your life?
A lot more even?
Then here’s the good news: you have much more control over your happiness than you probably think. And in this book, you’ll discover the often simple, but easily overlooked, steps you can take to reclaim more of those good feelings.
What’s more, every single suggested action in this book has been scientifically proven to have a positive and lasting effect on happiness. There’s no hype here, just plenty of real hope.
Better still, there’s no need for radical life change ... Read more
Instead you’ll find a raft of small and simple steps that will, over time, add up to a life with more pleasure and meaning - and with fewer negative emotions dragging you down.
Nobody else can make you happy. But you can. Here’s all the help you need.
Daniel Freeman is Professor of Clinical Psychology at Oxford University.
Jason Freeman is a writer and editor.
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About Daniel Freeman
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