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Disbound. [Report from the Select Committee on Dublin and Kingstown Canal; with the Minutes of Evidence] The Select Committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency and practicability of constructing a Ship Canal between the City of Dublin and the Asylum Harbour at Kingstown, and the works connected therewith, and also to examine into the receipts and disbursements of the Corporation for preserving and improving the Port of Dublin, and whether any portion of the revenue of the said corporation can, without detriment to the Public Interest, be made applicable to the construction of the said Canal; and to whom the several Petitions on the subject were referred; and who were empowered to report from time to time, together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before them. Keywords: Local History - Dublin, Planning. 223pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 345.00

Disbound. [Richmond Penitentiary, Dublin. Report of the Commissioners Directed by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to inquire into the state of the Richmond Penitentiary in Dublin; Together with the Evidence and Documents connected Therewith.] Report and Minutes of Evidence of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into charges contained in a Memorial submitted to the Lord Lieutenant by the Most Rev. Doctor Murray, from several persons lately prisoners in the Richmond Penitentiary, complaining of ill treatment received during their confinement. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Prisons. 151pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 375.00

Disbound. Four Reports in One. [Report from the Select Committee on the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 5 June 1822] H.C. 394. of Session 1822. The report from the Committee Appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their opinion and Observations thereon to the House; and to whom several Accounts and Papers presented to the House in the last and present sessions of parliament were referred. Includes minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee, and Appendix containing (A.) Number of Persons Committed to the Gaol of Newgate, from 1805 to 1821. (B.) Return of Prisoners committed to Kilmainham Gaol, from 1807 to 1820. (C.) Committals throughout all of Ireland, from 1815 to 1820. (D.1) Account of the Emoluments of the Clerk of the Crown of the County of the City of Dublin, from 1815 to 1821. (D.2) Account of the Emoluments of the Clerks of the Peace for the County of the City of Dublin from 1815 to 1821. (E.) Extracts from the seventh report of the Commissioners for auditing Public Accounts in Ireland, dated 3rd April 1819, relating to the Pipe Water and Metal Main Establishments. [Two Reports from the Select Committee on the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 16 May and 9 July 1823.] H.C. 356 & 549, of Session 1832. First report is of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their Opinion and Observations thereon; and to whom the Petitions of the Inhabitants of the several Parishes of the City of Dublin, complaining thereof, were referred. A short report relating to the Pipe Water and Metal Main Taxes. The second Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their Opinion and Observations thereon; and to whom the Petitions of the Inhabitants of the several Parishes of the City of Dublin, complaining thereof, were referred. Contains the report, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. The Appendix contains detailed accounts of each Department and Parish of Dublin, correspondence relating to the said Departments and Accounts and many other Returns to orders from the Select Committee. [Report from the Select Committee on Dublin Local Taxation. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 25 June 1824] H.C. 475 of Session 1824. The report from the Committee appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their opinion and Observations thereupon to the House; and to whom the Reports on the Local Taxation of Dublin, and the Minutes of Evidence relating thereto. Taken before the Select Committees of the House, and Petitions presented during the present Session, were referred. This report is in relation to The Commissioners of the Paving Board. Contains the Report from the Select Committee and Appendix which includes Copies of All Correspondence Between His Majesty’s Government and The Dublin Paving Board, from the Year 1820, on the Subject of reducing the Amount of the Tax paid for Paving and Lighting by the Citizens of Dublin and also Papers referred to in the Correspondence. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Local Taxation and Financial Administration. 425pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 650.00

Disbound. [Charitable Institutions (Dublin). Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 28 June 1842; - for, Copies of the Reports of George Nicholls, Esq. One of the Poor Law Commissioners, to the Right Hon. Lord Eliot, bearing the date 19 May 1842, on the following institutions in Dublin receiving Grants from the Public Funds; viz. 1.- Foundling Hospital, Dublin. 2.- House of Industry, Dublin.] Detailed report on the Two institutions, showing the numbers supported by each, accounts of Expenditure of both, forms from the Foundling Hospital as explanatory of the system by which the proper treatment of the Children and Apprentices was secured. Also included is a report from Denis Phelan, Assistant Poor Law Commissioner, on the state of the several medical institutions in the House of Industry. These Institutions consisted of the Richmond Surgical Hospital, the Whitworth Chronic Hospital, The Hardwicke Fever Hospital and the Talbot Dispensary. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Charities, Public Health, Workhouses. 16pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 60.00

Disbound. [Dublin Corporation Waterworks. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 16 June 1865; - for, Return ‘Showing the Amount of Mr. William McCormack’s tender for the Vartry Works, and for Conveying the Water of the River Vartry to Leeson Street Bridge, for the Supply of the City of Dublin with Pipe Water;’ and ‘Copy of the Evidence given before the Select Committee of this House, appointed to Consider the Bill ‘to enable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Dublin to construct additional Waterworks, and for other purposes, ‘by Mr. William McCormack; by Mr. Parke Neville, Engineer to the Corporation of Dublin; by Mr. Thomas Hawksley, Consulting Engineer on the Waterworks to the Corporation; and by Mr. James Simpson, Civil Engineer, London, in reference to such Tender.’] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Local Government. 2pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 25.00

Disbound. [Dublin Corporation (Bills in Parliament). Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 7 April 1864; - for, Return ‘of the Amount Paid by the Corporation of Dublin for Costs and Expenses incurred in Promoting or Opposing Bills in Parliament since the commencement of the Session in 1849; specifying the Titles of the Bills Promoted or Opposed, the Amount of Costs Paid in Respect to each, and the Names of the Persons to whom such Costs were Paid respectively’] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Local Government. 2pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 25.00

Disbound. [A Return of the Police Establishment of Dublin under the 48th George IIId;- Showing, The Names of all persons holding offices upon it; the Annual Salary to be paid to each Officer and the Annual rents agreed to be paid for any House or Building for the use of said Establishment. Also, A Return, showing to how many Persons, belonging to any former Police Establishment for Dublin, Compensation has been given for Loss of their Offices; and the Amount of Compensation Given to each Person] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Policing and Justice. 4pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 75.00

Disbound. [Dublin Election Petition. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 March 1837; - for, A Return of the Particulars and Amounts of all Fees and Gratuities received, claimed or demanded by the Officers or Servants of this House, respectively, in Relation to the Trial of the last Dublin Election Petition against the Returns of Daniel O’Connell, Esquire, and Edward Southwell Ruthven, Esquire; distinguishing by whom and from whom the same have been received, or claimed and demanded.] Detailed Accounts of Expenditure in relation to the Dublin Election Petition 1836. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Elections, Corrupt Practices. 8pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 60.00

Disbound. [Dublin Paving, &c. Return from the Commissioners of Paving, Lighting, &c. of the city of Dublin, of the Names and Dates of Appointments of the Treasurer, Secretary, Supervisors, Clerks and Collectors, with the Amount of Salary and Emoluments exceeding £.80 per annum, whether paid by Weekly, monthly or Quarterly Payments; and whether any and which of said persons have been more than Three Months Absent from Duty, and how long, and by what Authority; and the Amount of Security entered into by all the Officers or Clerks, and the Date of the same; also the Sums lost or alleged to be lost, by insolvent inhabitants or by Uninhabited Houses in the City of Dublin, in each Year, from 5th January 1814 to the 5th January 1832; and a Copy of that part of the Annual Report made to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, for the Year ending 5th January 1831, pursuant to the 47th Geo. III. C. 109, s. 28. as relates to the Security that should have been entered into by the Secretary, Treasurer, and other Officers of the Paving Establishment, with the Total Amount of Pensions, Compensations or Annuities, paid by the Authority of the said Act of Geo. III. C. 109.] Detailed tables of Accounts of the Paving Establishment, including Names and Positions of Officers. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Local Council, Street Maintenance. 4pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 45.00

Disbound. [Dublin Paving Board. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 July 1845; - for, Returns – Showing the Annual Amount of Money levied off the Citizens of Dublin (under the Authority of the Paving Board Commissioners) for Paving, Lighting and Cleansing the City of Dublin, for the Year during the last Seven Years; - Amount levied by the said Commissioners for Watering the City of Dublin, for each Year during the last Seven Years: - Amount received by the said Commissioners each Year for the same Period, for making, opening and repairing Private and Public Sewers: - Copies of all Contracts entered into by said Commissioners for Paving, Lighting, Cleansing and Watering the |City of Dublin, for each Year during the last Seven Years, with the Names of the Contractors: - Copies of all Rejected Proposals for Paving, Lighting, Cleansing and Watering the City of Dublin, for the said Period: - Name, Rank and Annual Salary of each Officer now employed in the Paving Board Establishment in the City of Dublin, and by Whom Appointed: - Name, Rank and Period of Service, and Amount of Pension, of every Retired Officer of the Dublin Paving Board: - Accounts, showing the Total Amount (under distinct heads) expended in each Year during the last Seven Years, for Paving, Lighting, Cleansing and Watering the City of Dublin: - Showing the Balance of Cash on Hand to the credit of the Commissioners for Paving, &c., at the end of each Half-Year during the last Seven Years.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Public Works. 44pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 75.00

Disbound. [Phoenix Park, Dublin. A Return of the State of the Phoenix Park, adjoining the City of Dublin, with a specification of the Number of Acres contained in it, as well as their Appropriation, and to what Public or Private purposes the said Park is applied; and also a Return of any Expenditure incurred for its Improvement or Embellishment during the last Seven Years, Specifying each Year respectively; as well as a Return of the Profits during the same Periods, if any, derived from the said Park for the Benefit of the Public.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Public Parks. 2pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 40.00

Disbound. [Trinity College (Dublin) Bill. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 11 March 1851; - for, A Return ‘of all Lands and Hereditaments to which the Bill now pending in the House refers, intituled, ‘A Bill to Extend the Leasing Powers of the Corporate Body of the Provost, Fellows and Scholars of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth, near Dublin, and also of the Provost thereof in his corporate Capacity, and to enable them to make grants of Lands in perpetuity to their Lessees in certain cases;’ such Return to specify, in Tabular Details, the Number, Situation and Extent, in acres, of such Lands and Hereditaments, together with Value thereof, as rated to the relief of the Poor in the respective Poor Law Unions, and the Amount of Rent for which the same now are or last were Let, whether by Lease or otherwise, and the Terms of such Lease, and the Amount of Fine, if any, paid upon the granting of each such Lease to the said Provost, Fellows and Scholars, and to the said Provost of either of them.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Universities. 6pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 175.00

Disbound. [Court of Conscience, Dublin. Returns of the Number of Summonses issued from the Court of Conscience in Dublin; with Accounts of all Decrees made by that Court, in each of the last Three Years; specifying the Number of Decrees under Ten Shillings, then from Ten to Twenty Shillings, and then from Twenty to Forty Shillings Respectively; with the Annual Amount of Fees received by the Judge and Register of the Court, stating the Act or Thing done for which each Fee is paid or demanded; also, the Number of Warrants or Executions Issued from the Court during the same Time; distinguishing those against the Person, and those against the Goods of the Debtor.] Keywords: Local history – Dublin, Policing and Justice, Accounts. 4pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 60.00

Disbound. [Royal Dublin Society. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 16 March 1842; - for, A Copy of the Letter of Mr. Lucas, Under Secretary for Ireland, to the Secretary of the Royal Dublin Society, stating that the Lord Lieutenant had Authorized an Advance of Money to that Society, to be repaid on the Money being voted by Parliament; - and also, Return Stating in what particulars the Recommendations of the Committee of This House in 1836, respecting that Society, have been complied with.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Royal Dublin Society, Government Aid to Education. 4pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 48.00

Disbound. [Apothecaries’ Hall, Dublin. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 25th March 1829; - for, (1.) A Return of the Name of each Person in each Year since the 24th of June 1791, who has been examined by the Governor and Directors of the Apothecaries Hall in Dublin, and who has received a Certificate of his proper Qualification to become an Apprentice to learn the Business of an Apothecary. (2.) A Return of the Name of each Person in each Year since the 24th of June 1791, who has been examined by the Governor and Directors of the Apothecaries Hall in Dublin, and who has received a Certificate of his proper Qualification to become an Assistant or Journeyman to the Business of an Apothecary. (3.) A Return of the Name of each Person in each Year since the 24th June 1791, who has been examined by, and received a Certificate from the Governor and Directors of the Apothecaries’ Hall in Dublin, of his Qualifications to open a Shop and practice as an Apothecary in Ireland. (4.) A Return of the Number of Prosecutions, The Name of the Person prosecuted, the Date of each Prosecution, together with the Offence committed against Act 32 Geo. III. From the 24th June 1791, until the 25th of March 1829; Also, the Number of Penalties, and Date of Recovery of said Penalty.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Regulations. 120pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 450.00

Disbound. [Wide Streets (Dublin). Return of the Number of Inquests or Inquisitions held under the Statutes for the Improvement of the City of Dublin, by making Wide and convenient passages through the same; with the Date of Such Inquests or Inquisitions respectively; distinguishing the Number and Times of Adjournment in each Case; - The Names of the Persons who served as Jurors, distinguishing each such service by date; - the Sum or Sums of Money paid to each Juror, distinguishing each Sum by date or dates, and Nature of Service; - from 1st January 1820 to 1st January 1830.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Planning. 8pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 60.00

Disbound. [Police, Dublin. Returns to several orders of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 9 November 1830:- for, - An Account of all Fines, Forfeitures, Duties and Taxes, and other Monies, if any, received by the Divisional Justices of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis, for the last Twenty Years, distinguishing each head of Receipts by Dates and Items; and also, an Account of the Application and Expenditure of such Sums respectively. – An Account of the several Sums of Money paid into the Bank of Ireland by the Receiver of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis. For the last Twenty Years; and Copies of all Drafts drawn by such Receiver on the said bank on account of the Sums so lodged. – Copies of Accounts laid before the Justices of the Castle Division of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis, by the Receiver of that District, pursuant to the Statute of 48 Geo. III, c. 140; Specifying the exact day on which such account was received. – Copies of the Accounts audited by the Commissioners of Imprest Accounts in Ireland, of the Monies received by the Receiver of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis, p[ursuant to 48 Geo. III, c. 140; specifying the days respectively on which each such Account was received and was audited.] Detailed Twenty Year Accounts of the Dublin Metropolitan Police Force, from 1811 up to 1830. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Policing and Justice, Accounts. 12pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 65.00

Disbound. [Dublin Coal Meters. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 2 May 1842; - for, - Copy of a Minute or Memorandum made by the Commissioners of Customs in 1825 or 1826, fixing or settling the Rate of Remuneration to be Allowed to the Dublin Coal-meters for the Performance of the Duties required by Act 6 Geo. 4, c. 107, S. 111; together with a Copy of the Coal Warrant executed and committed by the Officers of Customs to the Coal-meters, for their Guidance in the Discharge of their Duties, as prescribed by the Board of Customs under said Act. – Return of the Number of Tons or Chaldrons of Coal, Culm or Cinders, meted or weighed and duly certified by the Dublin Coal-meters to the Officers of Customs, at Dublin, from the 5th Day of July 1825 to the 23d Day of August 1831; stating whether the Duty on the Coals could have been duly levied without the Coal-meter’s Certificate, and the Coal Ship cleared out by he Officers of Customs without such Certificate or not. – Copy of Applications made by the Guild of Merchants, Dublin, or any person or persons, to the Lords of the Treasury or Boards of Customs, from the Year 1825 to the Year 1838 inclusive, claiming Payment of the Sum of £.2,584.13.8. for the Metage of Coals, from the 5th Day of January 1826 to the 1st Day of March 1831. – Copies of all Orders issued by the Board of Customs for the Government of the Conduct of the Coal-meters, and the Answers or Communications made by the Lords of the Treasury or the Board of Customs to the respective Applications made for obtaining Payment of the Money so remaining due and unpaid, for the Duties or Services performed by the Dublin Coal-meters, to the Board of Customs, from the 5th Day of July 1825 to the 23rd Day of August 1831.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Trade and Industry. 18pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 65.00

Disbound. [University of Dublin (Trinity College) Returns to several orders of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 2 February and 6 March 1832; - for, (1.) A Return of the Number of Students who have been admitted to Scholarships during each of the last Five Years, and of their present Number: - A Return of the Number of Fellows entitled to Vote at an Election of a Member of the University: - A Return of the Number of Students who have taken the Degree of Bachelor of Arts during each of the last Five Years: - A Return of the Number of Bachelor of Arts who have attended the Divinity Lectures during each of the above Years; and the Number who during the same period have taken the Degree of Master of Arts: - A Return of the Number of Masters of Arts now on the books: - A Return of the average Amount of Annual Fees payable by a non-resident Master of Arts for keeping his Name on the College Books; and whether any and what Change has been made in the Amount of Charge during the above period. (2.) Copies of Charters granted by Queen Elizabeth and King James the First to the University of Dublin.] Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Universities. 10pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 75.00

Disbound. [Seventeenth Report of the Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals, with Appendices] Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. Hospitals in the Report: Westmoreland Lock Hospital; House of Industry Hospitals (i.e. The Hardwicke Fever Hospital, The Whitworth Medical Hospital, The Richmond Surgical Hospital); Steevens’ Hospital; Meath Hospital and County Dublin Infirmary; Cork-Street Fever Hospital; Rotunda Lying-in-Hospital; Coombe Lying-in-Hospital; St Mark’s Ophthalmic Hospital and the Hospital for Incurables. Keywords: Local History – Dublin, Hospitals. 28pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file
Used, Very Good
Alexander Thom & Sons
Publication date
Condition: Used, Very Good

€ 75.00

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