Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education
Jacalyn Lea Lund
For the savvy educator, assessment can be a powerful tool for informing teaching decisions, improving student learning, and helping students achieve learning standards. Learn how to make the most of assessment with Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education. With this text and web resource, you’ll learn how to develop assessments and gather information that helps you monitor student progress, structure effective lessons, and make grading more accurate and systematic.
Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education: A Standards-Based Approach to Promoting and Documenting Learning shows you how to use standards-based assessment to advance and support student learning in middle and high school ... Read more
Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education can be used in a methods class, in an assessment class, or for in-service teacher education. It contains numerous examples of assessments and unique practice tasks that help teachers develop assessment skills. Current and future teachers can use these practice tasks to apply their knowledge to specific teaching situations and design their own assessments as they move through the text. Readers will also gain knowledge and strategies for assessing the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains based on current assessment research aligned with National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards.
To help those new to the assessment process, this text includes chapters on managing assessment, using data to improve learning, and using assessments to assign a fair grade—information not found in most texts on assessment and measurement. An accompanying web resource contains assessment-building practice tasks in a convenient downloadable format, offering an accessible and efficient way to develop knowledge and skills in assessment.
With Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education, teacher candidates and current educators can solidify their knowledge of assessment concepts as they learn to design and use high-quality assessments. Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education can help teachers make assessment a meaningful tool for informing instuctional choices, promoting student learning, and documenting learning.
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About Jacalyn Lea Lund
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