Developing the Emotionally Literate School
Katherine Weare
`As someone with an interest in emotional literacy and in developing emotional literacy work in schools, I found this book an impressive resource. I would recommend it for those interested in this area, those working within schools on emotional literacy, and for school staff interested in developing their schools as emotionally literature organizations′ - Debate
`This is an authoritative and scholarly book that does not attempt to offer a simple fix-it solution but one that should lead to an informed and workable approach that will address the needs and circumstances of individual schools as such . I would ... Read more
`There is much to encourage exploration by schools, educators and managers in an informed way. Helpful appendices list experienced agencies schools may approach in their work on emotional well-being′- Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
`The book provides a useful guide to ways in which school policies for promoting emotional wellbeing can be developed′ - Times Educational Supplement, Teacher
`This book is written in a refreshingly well-balanced style and it deserves a similarly even-handed review. Katherine Weare never exaggerates a point or pretends to have found the Holy Grail. Instead; each argument is carefully counter pointed by a caveat′ - Nurturing Potential
`This is a handbook for teachers and LEAs with clearly headed sections, useful tables and list of resources and contacts. There are helpful suggestions for auditing emotional literacy in schools, deciding whether to use off-the-shelf programmes, tailoring programmes to the school′s own needs, and working with the wider community′ - The Psychology of Education Review
′Visionary and easy to read. This vision resides in the authors′ convictions about the vital role schools can play in developing and widening the literacy of emotions... worth reading... opens up a picture of what can achieved in schools in the best interests of the children′ - Young Minds Magazine
`Katherine Weare brings a good track record to this useful handbook. The full list of contacts, sources of support and resources and the useful bibliography are clearly a product of her comprehensive knowledge of the field in UK and beyond. They provide a solid platform for future researches′ - Journal of In-Service Education
Emotional literacy refers to our ability to understand and use information about our own and others′ emotional states, with skill and competence. It is increasingly accepted in schools, and this book shows how it is central to mainstream education.
The author defines concepts and terms in ways that make sense to practitioners, outlines the scientific evidence behind the concept, explores ways in which schools can become more emotionally literate, and demonstrates the educational benefits. The book is a practical and up-to-date account of ways in which schools can use emotional literacy to realize their goals of school improvement and effectiveness, increased learning, more efficient management of teaching and learning and improved relationships.
Katherine Weare shows how emotional literacy can help address persistent educational problems, such as emotional and behavioural disturbance, school exclusion, and teacher stress and disaffection. Emotional literacy is relevant to mainstream education, is most effective when it permeates the whole school culture, ethos, relationships and management. It is as relevant for secondary as it is for primary students, and applies to teachers and parents as well as to students.
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About Katherine Weare
Reviews for Developing the Emotionally Literate School