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. Ed(S): Nolan, C.J.Patrick; Fung, A. C. W.; Brown, Margaret - Pathways to Institutional Improvement with Information Technology in Educational Management - 9780792374930 - V9780792374930
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Pathways to Institutional Improvement with Information Technology in Educational Management

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Description for Pathways to Institutional Improvement with Information Technology in Educational Management hardcover. Presents findings and insights from contemporary thinking and research about alternative ways that computerised information systems might be designed and used to support the improvement of educational institutions. This book is suitable for a range of educational professionals, researchers and system designers. Editor(s): Nolan, C.J.Patrick; Fung, A. C. W.; Brown, Margaret. Series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Num Pages: 173 pages, 19 black & white illustrations, biography. BIC Classification: JNK; JNV. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 12. Weight in Grams: 438.
New Zealand schools have experienced unprecedented change during the lastdecade. Radicalrestructuringoftheframeworksforbothcurriculumand qualificationsfollowedamovementtowards self-managementin 1989. The curriculum framework, consisting of seven essential learning areas, has been progressively introduced with completionnotexpecteduntil 2002. Thenew Qualifications Framework, based on unit standards, was launched in 1994. The introduction of unit standards signalled an emphatic movement towards the use of internal assessment for awarding qualifications at the seniorsecondaryschoollevel. Eachcoursehadunitstandardsdefined,which described the outcomes and the performance criteria that would be used to determine whether or not the standard had been achieved. Approximately five to eight standards would be used for each full year course and each standard ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Kluwer Academic Publishers United States
Number of pages
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

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