Schools as Professional Learning Communities
. Ed(S): Roberts, Dr. Sylvia M.; Pruitt, Dr. Eunice Z.
"Roberts and Pruitt offer practical advice to educators who seek to address one of the greatest obstacles to creating effective schools: how to get school staff to collaborate and learn from each other. Their insights and suggestions are smart, useful, and demonstrate a genuine understanding of how schools work."
—Pedro A. Noguera, Executive Director
Metropolitan Center for Urban Education, New York University
More and more educational leaders are turning to the collaborative learning community model to create school change and improvement. This practical resource offers research-based activities and strategies ... Read more
Ideal for school leaders and staff developers, this updated bestseller examines the knowledge and skills needed to become a successful leader of learners and provides helpful tips, real-life classroom vignettes, and insights into effective teamwork. The authors help administrators lead staff in:
- Learning through study groups, shared leadership, and professional portfolios
- Performing collaborative student assessments and classroom observation
- Reexamining their beliefs and assumptions through reflective activities
With the latest information on e-portfolios, coaching, emotional intelligence, and more, this proven professional development approach gives leaders the tools they need to implement a culture of collaboration that can transform entire schools!
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About . Ed(S): Roberts, Dr. Sylvia M.; Pruitt, Dr. Eunice Z.
Reviews for Schools as Professional Learning Communities
Sharon Neff, Technology and Literacy Specialist "An excellent resource for teacher leaders, administrators, or mentors as a tool for establishing useful collaboration. There are specific examples and tips that can ... Read more