The Vocabulary Book. Learning and Instruction.
Michael F. Graves
This extensively revised and expanded edition of the bestselling text and teaching resource incorporates the newest research in vocabulary learning and instruction into a complete and balanced program for all K–12 students, from those who struggle in school to those who excel. Literacy expert Michael Graves presents a four-pronged vocabulary program that he has developed and honed for over 30 years. The program has the following four components: Frequent, Varied, and Extensive Language Experiences; Teaching Individual Words; Teaching Word Learning Strategies; and Fostering Word Consciousness. The text includes theory, research-based strategies, vocabulary interventions, classroom examples, advice for working with English ... Read more
New for the Second Edition:
- Instructional approaches developed and classroom-tested since the release of the first edition.
- A chapter specifically on teaching vocabulary to English learners.
- A chapter specifically on selecting vocabulary words to teach.
- Curricular and instructional elements designed to meet and exceed Common Core State Standards.
- An emphasis on vocabulary as a vital resource for all students in our increasingly diverse society.
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About Michael F. Graves
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