Community and Progress in Kant's Moral Philosophy
Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy has often been criticised for ignoring a crucial dimension of community in its account of the lives that agents ought to lead. Historical and contemporary critics alike often paint Kant’s moral theory, with its emphasis on rationality, as overly formalistic and unrealistically isolating. Against these criticisms, Kate A. Moran argues that Kant’s moral philosophy reserves a central role for community in several important respects.
In the first part of her book, Moran asserts that Kant’s most developed account of the goal toward which agents ought to strive is actu¬ally a kind of ethical community. ... Read more
The text draws on a wide range of Immanuel Kant’s writings, including his texts on moral and political philosophy and his lectures on ethics, pedagogy, and anthropology. Though the book is grounded in an analysis of Kant’s writing, it also puts forward the novel claim that Kant’s theory is centrally concerned with the relationships we have in our day-to-day lives. It will, therefore, be an invaluable tool in understanding both the complexities ofKant’s moral philosophy, and how even a liberal, deontological theory like Kant’s can give a satisfying account of the importance of community in our moral lives.
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