On Race and Racism in America: Confessions in Philosophy
Roy . Ed(S): Martinez
“Given the racial complexity of the United States—not to mention the racism of its foundations and its persistence—why is it that the most influential white philosophers have not addressed the issue of race, its social construction and myth, and the problems it raises on a daily basis?” To answer this question, Roy Martinez, the editor of this volume, solicited contributions from eight of the most significant American philosophers working in the Continental and American pragmatist philosophical traditions. But there is no one answer: each contributor has a distinct perspective on the problem and provides an answer reflecting that perspective. Some ... Read more
Aside from the editor, the contributors are John D. Caputo, David Couzens Hoy, John Ladd, Joseph Margolis, Ladelle McWhorter, Shannon Sullivan, Georgia Warnke, and Cynthia Willett.
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