Project Management for Healthcare Information Technology
Coplan, Scott; Masuda, David
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A Proven, Integrated Healthcare Information Technology Management Solution
Co-written by a certified Project Management Professional and an M.D., Project Management for Healthcare Information Technology presents an effective methodology that encompasses standards and best practices from project management, information technology management, and change management for a streamlined transition to digital medicine.
Each management discipline is examined in detail and defined as a set of knowledge areas. The book then describes the core processes that take place ... Read more
Coverage Includes:
- Integrating project, information technology, and change management methodologies
- PMBOK Guide process groups--initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing
- Project management knowledge areas--integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication, risk, and procurement management
- IT management knowledge areas--user requirements, infrastructure, conversion, software configuration, workflow, security, interface, testing, cutover, and support management
- Change management knowledge areas--realization, sponsorship, transformation, training, and optimization management
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About Coplan, Scott; Masuda, David
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