Descartes's Dualism
Marleen Rozemond
Descartes, an acknowledged founder of modern philosophy, is identified particularly with mind-body dualism--the view that the mind is an incorporeal entity. But this view was not entirely original with Descartes, and in fact to a significant extent it was widely accepted by the Aristotelian scholastics who preceded him, although they entertained a different conception of the nature of mind, body, and the relationship between them. In her first book, Marleen Rozemond explicates Descartes's aim to provide a metaphysics that would accommodate mechanistic science and supplant scholasticism.
Her approach includes discussion of central differences from and similarities to the scholastics ... Read more
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About Marleen Rozemond
Reviews for Descartes's Dualism
Stephen Gaukroger
Times Literary Supplement
[Rozemond’s] discussion of the scholastic context of Descartes’ arguments is exceedingly clear and informative, and should be read by anyone who really wishes to understand the context and meaning of Descartes’ argument.
John Barresi
Journal of ... Read more