The Opening of Hegel's Logic: From Being to Infinity (History of Philosophy Series)
Stephen Houlgate
Hegel is one of the most importantmodern philosophers, whose thought influenced the development ofexistentialism, Marxism, pragmatism, hermeneutics, and deconstruction. YetHegel's central text, the monumental Science of Logic, still remains formost philosophers (both figuratively and literally) a firmly closed book. Thepurpose of The Opening of Hegel's Logic is to dispel the myths thatsurround the Logic and to show that Hegel's unjustly neglected text is awork of extraordinary subtlety and insight.
Part One of The Opening of Hegel's Logic argues that the Logicprovides a rigorous derivation of the fundamental categories of thought andcontrasts Hegel's approach to the categories with that of Kant. ... Read more
TheOpening of Hegel's Logic aims tohelp students and scholars read Hegel's often formidably difficult text forthemselves and discover the wealth of philosophical riches that it contains. Italso argues that Hegel's project of a presuppositionless science of logic isone that deserves serious consideration today.
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About Stephen Houlgate
Reviews for The Opening of Hegel's Logic: From Being to Infinity (History of Philosophy Series)