The Speculative Remark. (One of Hegel's Bons Mots).
Jean-Luc Nancy
This work, by one of the most innovative and challenging of contemporary thinkers, pivots on a Remark added by Hegel in 1831 to the second edition of his Science of Logic. As a model of close reading applied both to philosophical texts and the making of philosophical systems, The Speculative Remark played a significant role in transforming the practice of philosophy away from system building to analysis of specific linguistic detail, with meticulous attention to etymological, philological, and rhetorical nuance.
Nancy uses his extended examination of the Remark to delineate certain overall strategies in several Hegelian texts that militate for ... Read more
The overview that emerges in the final chapter and epilogue constitutes a broad statement about Hegel's practice and significance, one nuanced by close attention to his deployment of rhetoric and linguistic play. The Speculative Remark thus furnishes a model for a theoretically aware approach to all systematic philosophy, while providing a significant historical contribution to the evolution of contemporary critical theory.
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About Jean-Luc Nancy
Reviews for The Speculative Remark. (One of Hegel's Bons Mots).