Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary
This anthology offers a comprehensive historical introduction to the central questions of philosophy of religion. Approximately two-thirds of the selections are from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, helping students to understand and engage the rich traditions of reflection on these timeless questions. The remaining contemporary readings introduce students to the more recent developments in the field. Each of the thematically arranged sections begins with an editor's introduction to clarify the central issues and positions presented in the readings that follow.
Topics include:
- traditional theistic arguments
- religious experience and revelation
- fideism
- naturalistic approaches to religious belief
- the divine attributes
- fate, freedom, and foreknowledge
- the connection between religion ... Read more
- the problem of evil
- death and immortality
- religious diversity
- faith, reason, and the ethics of belief
- science and religion.
The text can be used alone or in conjunction with a secondary text in philosophy of religion such as Zagzebski's Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction (Blackwell, 2007).
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Reviews for Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary