Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences
H. Wayne House
Learn how to defend the Christian faith from various attacks with this visual and memorable study tool.
Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences covers historical, literary, archaeological, and theological aspects of both the Old and the New Testaments and deals with every aspect of apologetics, covering topics like:
- Reasons for and against Apologetics
- How Can Truth Be Known?
- Views of Evil
- Theories on the Origin of Religion
- Secular Humanism versus Christianity
- Intelligent Design Theory
- Scientific Evidence for the Age of the Universe
- and many more.
Apologetics is an important topic at a time when postmodernism, relativism, and religious pluralism are prevalent. This book contains 68 charts in six sections. This ... Read more
ZondervanCharts are ready references for those who need the essential information at their fingertips. Accessible and highly useful, the books in this library offer clear organization and thorough summaries of issues, subjects, and topics that are key for Christian students and learners. The visuals and captions will cater to any teaching methodology, style, or program.
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