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Martinus Nijhoff Publishers - Collection of Mostly Old Books on the History of Battles, Campaigns, Sieges in Past Centuries, Military Technics, Arms, Fortifications, Uniforms, Etc. - 9789401518147 - V9789401518147
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Collection of Mostly Old Books on the History of Battles, Campaigns, Sieges in Past Centuries, Military Technics, Arms, Fortifications, Uniforms, Etc.

€ 64.43
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Description for Collection of Mostly Old Books on the History of Battles, Campaigns, Sieges in Past Centuries, Military Technics, Arms, Fortifications, Uniforms, Etc. Paperback. Num Pages: 40 pages, 1 black & white illustrations, biography. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 203 x 127 x 3. Weight in Grams: 72.
(For nrs. 1-11 see at the end ot this catalog~le). 12. Bloch, J. Yon, Der Krieg. Uebers. des russ. Werkes: Der zukiinftige Krieg in seiner technischen, volkswirthschaftl. und politischen Be- deutung. Berlin, IS99. 6 forts vol. Av. un grand nombre de cartes et pI. (33.S0) 12.- 13. Brosch, A., Die Selbstmorder m. besond. Beriicksicht. der militiir. Selbstmorder und ihrer Obduktionsbefunde. Lpz. 1909. 2.50 14. Etwas iiber den Krieg in der offentlichen Meinung; ein Wort zur Beherzigung bei den Kreuzziigen des 18 .* Tahrh. Paliistina (Franck- furt), 1795. couv. orig. conservee. 5.- Tache dans la marge infer. 15. Fichte, J. G., ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

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