The Unemployed People's Movement: Leftists, Liberals, and Labor in Georgia, 1929-1941 (Politics and Culture in the Twentieth-Century South)
James J. Lorence
In Georgia during the Great Depression, jobless workers united with the urban poor, sharecroppers, and tenant farmers. In a collective effort that cut across race and class boundaries, they confronted an unresponsive political and social system and helped shape government policies. James J. Lorence adds significantly to our understanding of this movement, which took place far from the northeastern and midwestern sites we commonly associate with Depression-era labor struggles.
Drawing on extensive archival research, including newly accessible records of the Communist Party of the United States, Lorence details interactions between various institutional and grassroots players, including organized labor, the ... Read more
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About James J. Lorence
Reviews for The Unemployed People's Movement: Leftists, Liberals, and Labor in Georgia, 1929-1941 (Politics and Culture in the Twentieth-Century South)
Alex Lichtenstein
author of ... Read more