The Arctic Basin. Results from the Russian Drifting Stations.
Frolov, Ivan E.; Gudkovich, Zalman M. (St. Petersburg, Russia); Radionov, Vladimir F. (St. Petersburg, Russia); Shirochkov, Alexander V. (St. Petersb
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Description for The Arctic Basin. Results from the Russian Drifting Stations.
Hardback. A group of authors from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St Petersburg, Russia, have all achieved individual doctoral theses on various aspects of Arctic and Antarctic research. This book is written by experienced group of researchers and authors. Series: Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences. Num Pages: 300 pages, biography. BIC Classification: RBKC. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 242 x 170 x 19. Weight in Grams: 759.
Theareanorthwardof50 N. Source:AMAP(2003). EstablishmentinMay,1937,ofthe?rstdrifting'NorthPole-1'(NP-1)stationin the Arctic Ocean and organization of the ?rst 'Sever' airborne high-latidudinal expedition(AHE)continuedtheSecondIPYinthestudyoftheArctic.Theexpe- ence of these expeditions convincingly proved the possibility of organizing and conducting(directlyfromtheice)long-termcomplexmeteorological,oceanographic andiceobservations. WorldWarIIinterruptedforalongtimethelarge-scalestudiesintheArctic. The'Sever'AHEswereresumedin1948,andorganizationofdriftingstationsin 1950. Todate,whilsttheRussianresearch'NP-33'stationdriftsinthevicinityofthe NorthPole,itcanbestatedthatourknowledgeoftheArcticOceanforthelast70 yearshasachievedaleveldi?eringlittlefromthelevelofknowledgeoftheother ! " ! # ! # ! # $%&'( ) * + , - , ) . / $%&01 $%&02 $%&01 $ %03 / 4%5 /%' $%&" /%' $%&16 $%&1& $%&'( ) $%&10 ) ) , 7 7 7 / 87 8 9 / 8 8 : : 8 8; 7 : : 8 * 8 ) 8 < ! ! ) ! & & ... Read more
Theareanorthwardof50 N. Source:AMAP(2003). EstablishmentinMay,1937,ofthe?rstdrifting'NorthPole-1'(NP-1)stationin the Arctic Ocean and organization of the ?rst 'Sever' airborne high-latidudinal expedition(AHE)continuedtheSecondIPYinthestudyoftheArctic.Theexpe- ence of these expeditions convincingly proved the possibility of organizing and conducting(directlyfromtheice)long-termcomplexmeteorological,oceanographic andiceobservations. WorldWarIIinterruptedforalongtimethelarge-scalestudiesintheArctic. The'Sever'AHEswereresumedin1948,andorganizationofdriftingstationsin 1950. Todate,whilsttheRussianresearch'NP-33'stationdriftsinthevicinityofthe NorthPole,itcanbestatedthatourknowledgeoftheArcticOceanforthelast70 yearshasachievedaleveldi?eringlittlefromthelevelofknowledgeoftheother ! " ! # ! # ! # $%&'( ) * + , - , ) . / $%&01 $%&02 $%&01 $ %03 / 4%5 /%' $%&" /%' $%&16 $%&1& $%&'( ) $%&10 ) ) , 7 7 7 / 87 8 9 / 8 8 : : 8 8; 7 : : 8 * 8 ) 8 < ! ! ) ! & & ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for The Arctic Basin. Results from the Russian Drifting Stations.
From the reviews: "The Arctic Basin aims to provide for the first time a unique and updated insight into the work and achievements of the drifting stations established in the Antartic since 1937. … I do strongly recommend it for any experienced colleague interested in Arctic Ocean science, and for anybody collaborating with Russian colleagues. ... Read more