Francois Mauriac
. Ed(S): Flower, John; Flower, J.E.
François Mauriac is one of France's most read and consistently studied modern writers. For more than a decade Mauriac's work has been increasingly subjected to analyses drawing their inspiration in one way or another from psychology. Most of the essays in this collection are written from a psychobiographical or psychocritical viewpoint, drawing on the work of Freud, Marthe Robert, Klein, Lacan and Mauron. In some cases they investigate recurrent themes, motifs or preoccupations in Mauriac's work as a whole, in others they focus their attention on individual texts. Brought together they indicate the richness of this kind of approach ... Read more
The essays are presented in the language of original composition (English or French) with a complete set of summaries in the alternate language in an appendix.
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About . Ed(S): Flower, John; Flower, J.E.
Reviews for Francois Mauriac