Carbon Dioxide Thermodynamic Properties Handbook: Covering Temperatures from -20° to 250°C and Pressures up to 1000 Bar
Sara Anwar
With new graphical data added to this revision of the original classic, this volume is still the largest and most comprehensive collection of thermodynamic data on carbon dioxide ever produced, the ONLY book of its kind in print. With carbon dioxide sequestration gaining in popularity around the world in the scientific and engineering communities, having this data in an easy-to-access format is more useful and timely than ever.
With data that is accurate down to within a fraction of a degree, this handbook offers, in one volume, literally thousands of data points that any engineer or chemist would need when ... Read more
Carbon dioxide is used in many fields, across many industries, including the oil and gas industry and food processing. Even coffee is decaffeinated using carbon dioxide! Though CO2 has many uses in industry, it is also one of the most offensive of the greenhouse gases, on which many scientists and engineers are working to eradicate in the future production of power and fuel.
This data is useful for any scientist or engineer in any of these fields, but it is also useful for the chemical engineering or petroleum engineering student.
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About Sara Anwar
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