Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites
Ming Qiu Zhang
A state-of-art guide on the interdisciplinary aspects of design, chemistry, and physical properties of bio-inspired self-healing polymers
Inspired by the natural self-healing properties that exist in living organisms—for example, the regenerative ability of humans to heal from cuts and broken bones—interest in self-healing materials is gaining more and more attention. Addressing the broad advances being made in this emerging science, Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites incorporates fundamentals, theory, design, fabrication, characterization, and application of self-healing polymers and polymer composites to describe how to prepare self-healing polymeric materials, how to increase the speed of crack repair below room temperature, and ... Read more
Some of the information readers will discover in this book include:
Focus on engineering aspects and theoretical backgrounds of smart materials
The systematic route for developing techniques and materials to advance the research and applications of self-healing polymers
Integration of existing techniques and introduction of novel synthetic approaches and target-oriented materials design and fabrication
Techniques for characterizing the healing process of polymers and applications of self-healing polymers and polymer composites
Practical aspects of self-healing technology in various industrial fields, such as electronics, automotive, construction, chemical production, and engineering
With this book, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of this emerging field, while new researchers will understand the framework necessary for innovating new self-healing solutions.
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About Ming Qiu Zhang
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