Methods in Computational Chemistry
Stephen . Ed(S): Wilson
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Description for Methods in Computational Chemistry
Paperback. Editor(s): Wilson, Stephen. Num Pages: 306 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PNFS; UB. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 229 x 152 x 17. Weight in Grams: 453.
Thisvolume isdevotedtomethodsfor thestudyoftheeffectsofrelativity on theelectronicstructure ofatomsand molecules. The accurate descrip- tionofrelativisticeffectsinheavyatomshaslongbeenrecognizedasoneof the central problems ofatomic physics. Contemporary relativistic atomic structure calculations can be performed almost routinely. Recent years have seen agrowinginterestin thestudyoftheeffects ofrelativityon the structureofmolecules. Even for molecularsystemscontainingatoms from thesecondrowoftheperiodictable theenergyassociatedwith relativistic effects is often larger than that arising from electron correlation. For moleculescontainingheavieratoms relativistic effects become increasingly important,andforsystemscontainingveryheavyatomsrelativityisknown todominatemanychemicalproperties. In this volum~, one of the pioneers of relativistic atomic structure calculations,Ian P. Grant,providesadetailedsurveyofthecomputational techniquesemployedincontemporarystudiesoftheeffectsofrelativityon atomicstructure. Thisisanareaofresearchinwhichcalculationscanoften lead to a particularly impressive degreeofagreement between theoryand experiment. Furthermore, theseatomicstudies haveprovided manyofthe foundations of a fully relativistic quantum chemistry. However, the spherical ... Read more
Thisvolume isdevotedtomethodsfor thestudyoftheeffectsofrelativity on theelectronicstructure ofatomsand molecules. The accurate descrip- tionofrelativisticeffectsinheavyatomshaslongbeenrecognizedasoneof the central problems ofatomic physics. Contemporary relativistic atomic structure calculations can be performed almost routinely. Recent years have seen agrowinginterestin thestudyoftheeffects ofrelativityon the structureofmolecules. Even for molecularsystemscontainingatoms from thesecondrowoftheperiodictable theenergyassociatedwith relativistic effects is often larger than that arising from electron correlation. For moleculescontainingheavieratoms relativistic effects become increasingly important,andforsystemscontainingveryheavyatomsrelativityisknown todominatemanychemicalproperties. In this volum~, one of the pioneers of relativistic atomic structure calculations,Ian P. Grant,providesadetailedsurveyofthecomputational techniquesemployedincontemporarystudiesoftheeffectsofrelativityon atomicstructure. Thisisanareaofresearchinwhichcalculationscanoften lead to a particularly impressive degreeofagreement between theoryand experiment. Furthermore, theseatomicstudies haveprovided manyofthe foundations of a fully relativistic quantum chemistry. However, the spherical ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
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Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
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