Agatha Parrot and the Floating Head
Kjartan Poskitt
Agatha Parrot is the most exciting and hilarious comedy series since Mr Gum! But don’t take our word for it . . . take hers!
Hiya! This book is about Odd Street School where I go along with mad Ivy who always jumps down stairs four at a time WAHOO! And Martha who is big and jolly and can sort out boys. The oddest teacher we've got is Miss Barking who wears goggles and gloves to use a pencil sharpener.
The story is about when she tried to execute Martha with a floppy cardboard axe, but instead Martha's ... Read more
As well as stories you’ll get the full gory guide to school life, such as Miss Barking’s daft plan to hold a sports day without any winners, how to make the most of just having one line in the school play, the secret teacher beauty competition and how to cure a highly infectious outbreak of invisible spots. Hope you like it, and thanks for reading this BLURB!
Written by the hottest new prospect in children’s books, Kjartan Poskitt, and illustrated by the artistic genius behind Andy Stanton’s Mr Gum, David Tazzyman, Agatha Parrot is more brilliant than you could possibly imagine. Seriously – Try to imagine it. Nope, not even close. Anyway, it’s the funnest of funny children’s books.
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