New Ideas in Fusing Fabric: Cutting, bonding and mark-making with the soldering iron
Margaret Beal
New Ideas in Fusing Fabric by the author of the best-selling Fusing Fabrics takes a new look at the techniques of the soldering iron that have revolutionized textile art. The author takes you through the key techniques of cutting, bonding and mark-making and then expands on the various new ways you can use these techniques, particularly while using new synthetic materials such as Evalon, Lutradur and polymetallic materials.
Many traditional embroidery and sewing techniques have been the inspiration for Margaret Beal’s latest ideas, and some of the techniques discussed use the principle of drawn thread work, insertions, patchwork, seams and ... Read more
The author gives detailed instructions on all the techniques, and a beautiful display of some of the most exciting textile art being made today.
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About Margaret Beal
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