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. Ed(S): Agirre, Eneko; Edmonds, Philip - Word Sense Disambiguation - 9781402048081 - V9781402048081
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Word Sense Disambiguation

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Description for Word Sense Disambiguation Hardback. Covers the topic of word sense disambiguation (WSD) including: the major algorithms, techniques, performance measures, results, philosophical issues, and applications. This book provides an overview of the research across the field. It teaches how to build and evaluate systems, and talks about what performance to expect. Editor(s): Agirre, Eneko; Edmonds, Philip. Series: Text, Speech and Language Technology. Num Pages: 366 pages, biography. BIC Classification: CFX. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 22. Weight in Grams: 724.
Graeme Hirst University of Toronto Of the many kinds of ambiguity in language, the two that have received the most attention in computational linguistics are those of word senses and those of syntactic structure, and the reasons for this are clear: these ambiguities are overt, their resolution is seemingly essential for any prac- cal application, and they seem to require a wide variety of methods and knowledge-sources with no pattern apparent in what any particular - stance requires. Right at the birth of artificial intelligence, in his 1950 paper “Computing machinery and intelligence”, Alan Turing saw the ability to understand ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Text, Speech and Language Technology
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

Reviews for Word Sense Disambiguation
From the reviews: "This collection serves as a thorough record of where we are now and provides some nice pointers for where we need to go. It is a great resource containing valuable reference material, helpful summaries of findings, further-reading sections, and a useful appendix on resources… Even though the book is tailored for those ... Read more

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