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Television Digital Media
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Duke University Press
Place of Publication
North Carolina, United States
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About Bennett
James Bennett is head of area for Media, Information, and Communications at London Metropolitan University. Beginning in April 2011, he will be Senior Lecturer in Television Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is the author of Television Personalities: Stardom and the Small Screen and a co-editor of Film and Television After DVD. Niki Strange is the founder ... Read moreof Strange Digital, a company providing research and strategy consulting for digital businesses and the culture, education, and public sectors. She is also a research fellow at the University of Sussex. Show Less
Reviews for Television Digital Media
“This is a terrific collection that opens up exciting ways to think about relations between old TV and new digital culture without reifying either of those terms.”—Lynn Spigel, co-editor of Television after TV: Essays on a Medium in Transition “This original collection reframes contemporary debates about new digital media technologies, media convergence, and modes of cultural regulation, production, and consumption.”—David ... Read moreMorley, author of Media, Modernity, and Technology “Television as Digital Media is an important and timely collection. Offering strategies for mapping a fast-changing digital terrain, it is poised to stimulate an important conversation between television studies and the television industry.”—William Uricchio, Director, MIT Comparative Media Studies “[T]his is a great collection of reflections on the relation of social behavior, technology, and cultural form. It is a must-read for all those who are interested in what digitalization means.”
Huub Wijfjes
Technology and Culture
“Television as Digital Media presents itself as an enjoyable and informative read, dealing with a variety of aspects that come as a result of the advancements that are shaping the future of digital television.”
Laura Burlacu
Masters of Media
“Television as Digital Media will be beneficial to media scholars and students alike…. [D]espite the huge challenge of negotiating the perpetually moving object of digital television, this book provides a useful and eclectic vocabulary for starting to make sense of these shifts.”
Chuck Tryon
“Television as Digital Media is a valuable snapshot of current theorizing and critical thinking in this time of technical convergence and social media innovation.”
Vincent O'Donnell
Cultural Studies Review
“Taken as a whole, I found Television as Digital Media to be consistently excellent…. richly and deliberately engaged with the substantial changes being wrought by adjustments in the technologies, distribution practices, and economics—among many other industrial and cultural facets—that characterize television today.”
Amanda D. Lotz
Cinema Journal
“Television as Digital Media makes an important intervention within discussions of television’s relationship to digital culture…. This collection demonstrates that television studies is well equipped to analyze these new objects, providing television scholars in particular, and media studies scholars more broadly, with an important set of tools with which to understand digital media culture.”
Karen Petruska
Popular Communication
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