Gastrointestinal Bleeding
. Ed(S): Pryor, Aurora D.; Pappas, Theodore N.; Branch, M. Stanley
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Description for Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Paperback. This book covers all aspects of bleeding in a systemic approach organized by the site of bleeding. It offers a step-by-step approach through appropriate diagnosis and management strategies including surgical, endoscopic, medical and angiographic techniques. Editor(s): Pryor, Aurora D.; Pappas, Theodore N.; Branch, M. Stanley. Num Pages: 236 pages, 17 black & white tables, biography. BIC Classification: MJH; MMPH; MNB; MNC. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 235 x 155 x 13. Weight in Grams: 373.
Gastrointestinal bleeding is an age-old problem. The original description of g- trointestinalbleedingmayhavebeenfromGalenandhisworkconnectingdyspepsia andmelanoticstool. Thechangesinourmanagementofgastrointestinalbleeding overthecenturieshavebeendrivenbynaturalalterationsinthespectrumofdiseases, expanding our understanding of these diseases and the never ending advances in technologyandpharmacologythathaveoccurredrelativetoGIdiseases. Academic interestingastrointestinalbleedingpeakedinthelasthalfofthetwentiethcentury withtheexpandingroleofsurgery,thediscoveryofacid-basedpepticulcerthe- pies,andtheriseof?exibleendoscopyandculminatedinthedescriptionofh. pylori as a causative agent for ulcer disease. More recently there has been a decrease incidenceinbleedingdiseasesofthegutandthereforeadecreasinginterestinthe scholarlywritingaboutthesediseases. Therehasnotbeenamajortextbookwritten aboutgutbleedinginover10yearsandthereforetheintentionofthistextbookisto ?llthatvoidbyprovidingareviewofacomprehensiveapproachtouppergut,mid, andlowergutbleeding. CliniciansatDukeUniversitywhohaveacommoninterestinthegastrointes- naltracthavecollaboratedintheconstructionofthistext. Thisefforthasbrought together surgeons, gastroenterologists, and radiologists, to carefully chronicle the presentation, diagnosis, and management of modern day causes of gastrointes- nal bleeding. These co-authors concentrate on some of the latest innovations in the endoluminal and minimally invasive techniques that characterize the current approaches to these ... Read more
Gastrointestinal bleeding is an age-old problem. The original description of g- trointestinalbleedingmayhavebeenfromGalenandhisworkconnectingdyspepsia andmelanoticstool. Thechangesinourmanagementofgastrointestinalbleeding overthecenturieshavebeendrivenbynaturalalterationsinthespectrumofdiseases, expanding our understanding of these diseases and the never ending advances in technologyandpharmacologythathaveoccurredrelativetoGIdiseases. Academic interestingastrointestinalbleedingpeakedinthelasthalfofthetwentiethcentury withtheexpandingroleofsurgery,thediscoveryofacid-basedpepticulcerthe- pies,andtheriseof?exibleendoscopyandculminatedinthedescriptionofh. pylori as a causative agent for ulcer disease. More recently there has been a decrease incidenceinbleedingdiseasesofthegutandthereforeadecreasinginterestinthe scholarlywritingaboutthesediseases. Therehasnotbeenamajortextbookwritten aboutgutbleedinginover10yearsandthereforetheintentionofthistextbookisto ?llthatvoidbyprovidingareviewofacomprehensiveapproachtouppergut,mid, andlowergutbleeding. CliniciansatDukeUniversitywhohaveacommoninterestinthegastrointes- naltracthavecollaboratedintheconstructionofthistext. Thisefforthasbrought together surgeons, gastroenterologists, and radiologists, to carefully chronicle the presentation, diagnosis, and management of modern day causes of gastrointes- nal bleeding. These co-authors concentrate on some of the latest innovations in the endoluminal and minimally invasive techniques that characterize the current approaches to these ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Gastrointestinal Bleeding
From the reviews: “This new book is a welcome contribution to literature. … The target group is primarily doctors in training, but also experienced surgeons, and radiologists gastromedisinere will find useful knowledge. … the content is supported by many instructive pictures … and tables / figures that make the book varied and easy to overview. … The overall impression ... Read more