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John D. . Ed(S): Pickard - Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery - 9783211282533 - V9783211282533
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Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery

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Description for Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery Hardback. Part of the series sponsored by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. The Advances section presents fields of neurosurgery and related areas. The Technical Standards section features detailed descriptions of standard procedures to assist young neurosurgeons in their post-graduate training. Editor(s): Pickard, John D. Series: Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery. Num Pages: 304 pages, 84 colour illustrations, biography. BIC Classification: MNN. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 242 x 170 x 18. Weight in Grams: 730.
AsanadditiontotheEuropeanpostgraduatetrainingsystemforyoung neurosurgeons, we began to publish in 1974 this series of Advancesand Technical Standards in Neurosurgery which was later sponsored by the EuropeanAssociationofNeurosurgicalSocieties. This series was ?rst discussed in 1972 at a combined meeting of the Italian and German Neurosurgical Societies in Taormina, the founding fathersoftheseriesbeingJeanBrihaye,BernardPertuiset,FritzLoewand HugoKrayenbuhl. ThuswereestablishedtheprinciplesofEuropean- operationwhich havebeenbornfromthe Europeanspirit,?ourishedin theEuropeanAssociation,andhavebeenassociatedthroughoutwiththis series. ThefactthattheEnglishlanguageisnowtheinternationalmediumfor communicationatEuropeanscienti?cconferencesisagreatassetinterms ofmutualunderstanding. Thereforewehavedecidedtopublishallcont- butionsinEnglish,regardlessofthenativelanguageoftheauthors. All contributions are submitted to the entire editorial board before publicationofanyvolumeforscrutinyandsuggestionsforrevision. Ourseriesisnotintendedtocompetewiththepublicationsoforiginal scienti?cpapersinotherneurosurgicaljournals. Ourintentionis,rather,to present?eldsofneurosurgeryandrelatedareasinwhichimportantrecent advanceshavebeenmade. Thecontributionsarewrittenbyspecialistsin thegiven?eldsandconstitutethe?rstpartofeachvolume. Inthesecondpartofeachvolume,wepublishdetaileddescriptionsof standardoperativeproceduresandindepthreviewsofestablishedkno- edge in all aspects of neurosurgery, furnished by experienced clinicians. This part is intended primarily to assist young neurosurgeons in their postgraduatetraining. ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer Verlag GmbH Austria
Number of pages
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Vienna, Austria
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

Reviews for Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
"... In summary, this volume of advances and technical standard in neurosurgery continues to fulfill the spirit of this attractive series of books by conveying the reader a focused information on the current advances in the neurosurgical field and, at the same time, a continuous reconsideration of the theoretical and technical armamentarium of the neurosurgical discipline ..." Child's Nervous System ... Read more

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