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Steven Lane . Ed(S): Percival - Microbiology and Aging: Clinical Manifestations - 9781617376900 - V9781617376900
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Microbiology and Aging: Clinical Manifestations

€ 194.82
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Description for Microbiology and Aging: Clinical Manifestations paperback. This edited volume contains a collection of reviews that highlight the significance of, and the crucial role, that microorganisms play in the human life cycle and considers the microbiology of the host in different regions of the body during the aging process. Editor(s): Percival, Steven Lane. Num Pages: 348 pages, 5 black & white illustrations, 4 colour illustrations, 19 black & white tables, biography. BIC Classification: MMFM. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 19. Weight in Grams: 557.
Theworld'spopulationisestimatedtoreach8. 9billionby2050with370million peopleof80yearsofageorolder. Ageingisanincurablediseaseandde?nedasthe 'deregulationofbiochemicalprocessesimportantforlife',butforthepurposeof this book, ageing is better de?ned as the biological process of growing older. Ageingispartofnaturalhumandevelopment. Asyouwillseethroughoutthisbook,themicrobiologicalburdenonthehostis enormousandclinicallysigni?cant,andwillundoubtedlyhavearoletoplayinthe ageing process. As humans are living longer, there is a greater propensity to infection. This risk is substantially heightened in elderly individuals who are predisposedtoinfection. Whiletheprocessofageinganditseffectsonthehost's microbiology are poorly documented and researched, data obtained from gut studieshaveshownthatmicrobiologicalchangestakeplaceovertimesuggesting signi?cancetothehost. Dothemicrobiologicalchangesthatoccurwithinandupon thehostin?uencetheprocessofageingorisitthebiologicalchangesofthehost thataffectsthemicrobiology?Doesthisthereforeaffectourpropensitytodisease? Asthehost'smicrobiologychangeswithageing,isthissigni?cantlybene?cialor severelydetrimentaltothehost?Aretherewaysofenhancinglifeexpectancyby reducingcertainbacteriafromproliferatingorconverselybyenhancingthesurvival ofbene? cialbacteria? Thisbookconsidersthemicrobiologyofthehostindifferentregionsofthebody andhowthesevaryinthedifferentagegroups. Chapter1ofthebookfocuseson ageingtheorieswithChap. 2consideringthehumanindigenous?oraandhowthis isaffectedduringageing. Chapter3highlightsthemaininfectionsassociatedwith anelderlypopulation,whileChap. 4reviewstheprocessofskinageingandits associatedmicrobiology. Chapter5reviewstheageinglungandChap. 6reviews in?uenzaintheelderly. Chapter7highlightsthechangesthatoccurintheoral micro?ora and host defences with advanced age with Chap. 8 reviewing the in?uenceofthegutmicrobiotawithageing. Chapter8focusesonthegutandits associatedimmunity. Theremainingfourchaptersofthebookconsiderclostridium andtheageinggut,Helicobacterpyloriandthehygienehypothesisandthebene?ts of probiotics. ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Humana United States
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Totowa, NJ, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

Reviews for Microbiology and Aging: Clinical Manifestations
From the reviews: "This multi-authored volume addresses an intriguing … area of human microbiology. The individual chapters deal with microbiological and immunological changes associated with normal ageing processes in different body sites, including the mouth, gut and skin. … Overall, the quality of writing and production is generally good … . the main beneficiary’s of ... Read more

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