Rapid Neurology and Neurosurgery
Kumar Abhinav
RAPID Neurology & Neurosurgery
The Rapids are a series of two-colour reference and revision pocket books that cover key facts in a simple and memorable way. Each book covers the common conditions or drugs that students and junior doctors encounter on the wards, in clinics, and in their exams. The core relevant facts are provided to ensure these books are perfect concise ‘rapid refreshers’. To see all titles in the series, go to: www.wiley.com/go/rapids
Rapid Neurology and Neurosurgery is a must for all medical students and junior doctors-it is a quick and easy on-the-ward or clinical reference and the ... Read more
It provides a concise, structured approach to neurology and neurosurgery learning, covering key fact in a simple and memorable way:
PART I (The Basics) features the basic principles and facts essential for a good understanding of neurology and neurosurgery and includes sections on relevant neuroanatomy, neurological history and examination, and investigation including neurophysiology and neuroradiology. MRI and CT scans are included throughout the text.
PART II (Complaints: Face-to-Face with the patient) features OSCE-style and viva-voce examination preparation and has chapters on presenting complaints, with relevant and selected questions to ask for establishing the differential diagnoses (presented in a table) with basic investigations and management.
PART III (Conditions: Applying the basics) presents important clinical conditions with sections on definition, epidemiology, aetiology, associations/risk factors, pathology, history, examination, investigations, management, complications, prognosis and a list of differential diagnoses with general clinical information and distinguishing information to exclude the alternative diagnoses.
Each chapter includes key points to remember and highlights key facts.
Rapid Neurology and Neurosurgery contains only the essential, core, and relevant facts in a concise, pocket-sized, ‘rapid’ refresher-providing a thorough foundation of neurology and neurosurgery knowledge that will allow you to excel in the examinations.
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About Kumar Abhinav
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