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. Ed(S): Wild, Klaus R. H. Von (University Of Munster, Germany) - RE-Engineering of the Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord - 9783211241509 - V9783211241509
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RE-Engineering of the Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord

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Description for RE-Engineering of the Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord Hardback. Reflects important aspects of physiology and different trans-disciplinary approaches for acute treatment and rehabilitation in neurotraumatology by reviewing evidence based concepts as they were discussed among bio and gene-technologists, physicians, neuropsychologists and other therapists at the joint international congress in Brescia 2004. Editor(s): Wild, Klaus R. H. von (University of Munster, Germany). Series: Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement. Num Pages: 256 pages, biography. BIC Classification: MN. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 254 x 178 x 15. Weight in Grams: 747.
Re-EngineeringoftheDamagedBrainandSpinalCord isdedicatedtoTetsuoKanno,M. D. ProfessorofNeurosurgery Bypresenting theoriginal papers thatmakeupthis thefeaturesofthelocalmedicallandscapeinthe- third supplement we wish to make a further contri- gionswheretheyareenacted. Whatismore,progr- bution to the issue of functional rehabilitation, this sivenew?ndingsmustbealsosubjectedtoafrequent soimportantandfascinatingmodernareaofresearch revision. Ontopofthis,itshouldnotbeforgottenthat inthe?eldofneurosciences. Thecongresspaperswe even when committal therapy guidelines are c- haveselectedconstituteagoodre?ectionofthetrans- sistentlyapplied,thereareconsiderablevariationsin disciplinary objectives. The literature references are therangeofpotentialcomplicationsandintheo- designedasaguidetoleadtheinterestedreadertoa comeofprospectivecontrolledmulti-centreandmul- deeperandmoredetailedunderstandingoftheindi- nationalstudiesontheissueofqualitymanagement. vidualissues. Functionalrehabilitationhasbeenanoriginaltask The demand for "evidence-based medicine" is well ofneurosurgeryfromtheveryoutset. The1990shave justi?ed; however, it rapidly comes up against the enteredtheannalsofbrainresearchasthe"Decadeof limitsoffeasibility,especiallywherecontrolledthe- theBrain". Sincethentherehasbeenaneverstronger peuticstudiesareconcerned. TheCochrancollection growthofneuroscienti?cinterestworldwide,accom- of high-quality evidence-based healthcare databases paniedbysubstantial?nancialengagement. Thishas hasthusfarbeenofnohelptousindrawingupthe- primarily resulted in advances in basic neuro- peutic recommendations for the re-engineering ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Springer Verlag GmbH Austria
Number of pages
Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Vienna, Austria
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

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