Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal-cord Injured Patient
J. F. J. . Ed(S): Leyson
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Description for Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal-cord Injured Patient
Hardback. Editor(s): Leyson, J. F. J. Num Pages: 560 pages, biography. BIC Classification: MNN. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 31. Weight in Grams: 978.
G. Blasius ftrSt described the anatomic aspects of spinal cord injury (SCI) in 1666. Until thattime, society had totally ignored the physically disabled, let alone allowed them to mingle socially and sexually. ThemilitaIymortalityratebetween 1814-1914wasestimatedto be50-80%,although sexualandsocioculturalimplicationswere not addressed. Ina1928novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover, D.H.Lawrence stronglyreflected the sexual concernsofa paraplegic who had been labeled impotent The modern managementofSCI was initiated by Monroe and Guttman in 1943, but with heavy emphasis on physical and urological rehabilitation and only supetficial attention to sexual dysfunctions. H. W. Home et al. started the investigation of SCI infertilityproblems in1950. Itwasnotuntil1960thatBorsandComarr collaboratedonastudythatclassifiedthetypesofsexualdysfunctions inrelation toneurologicallevelsoflesionsfollowing spinalcooltrauma. Nonnal (nondisabled)sexualitycameofageduring thepasttwo ... Read more
G. Blasius ftrSt described the anatomic aspects of spinal cord injury (SCI) in 1666. Until thattime, society had totally ignored the physically disabled, let alone allowed them to mingle socially and sexually. ThemilitaIymortalityratebetween 1814-1914wasestimatedto be50-80%,although sexualandsocioculturalimplicationswere not addressed. Ina1928novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover, D.H.Lawrence stronglyreflected the sexual concernsofa paraplegic who had been labeled impotent The modern managementofSCI was initiated by Monroe and Guttman in 1943, but with heavy emphasis on physical and urological rehabilitation and only supetficial attention to sexual dysfunctions. H. W. Home et al. started the investigation of SCI infertilityproblems in1950. Itwasnotuntil1960thatBorsandComarr collaboratedonastudythatclassifiedthetypesofsexualdysfunctions inrelation toneurologicallevelsoflesionsfollowing spinalcooltrauma. Nonnal (nondisabled)sexualitycameofageduring thepasttwo ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Humana Press Inc. United States
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Totowa, NJ, United States
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Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal-cord Injured Patient