Lau Tzu said, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” There is no better way to be in the present than to color. Cher Kaufmann believes this to be true and, based on the success of her previous coloring books, her fans agree. In this new book, Kaufmann once again brings her unique style to the topic of peace. She reveals the secrets to finding serenity through active stillness, designed to be practiced in ten minute ... Read more
- Simple drawings to color, evoking peace and calm
- Easy ten-minute meditations as a path to mindfulness
- Soothing sayings and self-affirmations to color
Complete with high-quality paper and perforations that make it easy to tear out pages and share, the latest book in the 10 Minutes a Day series is sure to please.
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About Cher Kaufmann
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