The Money Doctors from Japan: Finance, Imperialism, and the Building of the Yen Bloc, 1895–1937
Michael Schiltz
Money and finance have been among the most potent tools of colonial power. This study investigates the Japanese experiment with financial imperialism—or “yen diplomacy”—at several key moments between the acquisition of Taiwan in 1895 and the outbreak of the Sino–Japanese War in 1937. Through authoritarian monetary reforms and lending schemes, government officials and financial middlemen served as “money doctors” who steered capital and expertise to Japanese official and semi-official colonies in Taiwan, Korea, China, and Manchuria.
Michael Schiltz points to the paradox of acute capital shortages within the Japan’s domestic economy and aggressive capital exports to its colonial possessions ... Read more
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About Michael Schiltz
Reviews for The Money Doctors from Japan: Finance, Imperialism, and the Building of the Yen Bloc, 1895–1937