Neurology Study Guide
Teresella Gondolo
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Description for Neurology Study Guide
Paperback. For those seeking APBN certfication in neurology, this book is a useful guide to the oral exam. Based upon the exam, this work helps the candidate through various phases of the oral exam. It includes clinical vignettes, lists, guidelines, and tables which enable the reader overcome the challenges of this difficult and important exam. Num Pages: 244 pages, 5 black & white tables, biography. BIC Classification: MJN. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 280 x 210 x 13. Weight in Grams: 1300.
TheideaofabooktohelpneurologistspreparefortheoralpartoftheNeurologyBoard Examination stemmed from numerous exchanges with colleagues on how they prepared for this important exam. Nobody seemed to have the magic formula to maximize their chancesofpassingandtherewerewidedisparitiesofopiniononwhattheyconsideredthe best preparation. Some recommendations were based on often inaccurate impressions, otherswerethedistortedproductoftheirstressfulexperiencewhiletakingthetest.Onone thing everyoneseemed to agree:Thereisnot asinglebook availablethatsystematically addressesthespecificsofthiscruciallyimportanttest. The task was daunting because the scope of knowledge required to pass the test isas wideasthefieldofclinicalneurologyitself.Tomakeitrelevanttotheexperienceofthe test it was clear that a good preparation needed to be based on practical advice on the technical aspects of the exam as well as on the proper attitude in taking it. Moreover, fillingavoidinthecurrentneurologyliterature,anadequatepreparationhadtobebased oncasesandtheirdiscussiononevidence-basedclinicalliterature. Although primarily conceived for ... Read more
TheideaofabooktohelpneurologistspreparefortheoralpartoftheNeurologyBoard Examination stemmed from numerous exchanges with colleagues on how they prepared for this important exam. Nobody seemed to have the magic formula to maximize their chancesofpassingandtherewerewidedisparitiesofopiniononwhattheyconsideredthe best preparation. Some recommendations were based on often inaccurate impressions, otherswerethedistortedproductoftheirstressfulexperiencewhiletakingthetest.Onone thing everyoneseemed to agree:Thereisnot asinglebook availablethatsystematically addressesthespecificsofthiscruciallyimportanttest. The task was daunting because the scope of knowledge required to pass the test isas wideasthefieldofclinicalneurologyitself.Tomakeitrelevanttotheexperienceofthe test it was clear that a good preparation needed to be based on practical advice on the technical aspects of the exam as well as on the proper attitude in taking it. Moreover, fillingavoidinthecurrentneurologyliterature,anadequatepreparationhadtobebased oncasesandtheirdiscussiononevidence-basedclinicalliterature. Although primarily conceived for ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
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