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David K. Stewart - Quasi-Democracy?: Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta - 9780774807906 - V9780774807906
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Quasi-Democracy?: Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta

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Description for Quasi-Democracy?: Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta Hardback. In Quasi-Democracy? David Stewart and Keith Archer examine political parties and leadership selection in Alberta using mail-back surveys administered to voters who participated in the Conservative, Liberal, and NDP leadership conventions elections of the 1990s. BIC Classification: 1KBCL; JPA; JPHL; JPL. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 5817 x 3887. Weight in Grams: 426.

Many Canadian parties are shifting their process for selectingleaders from delegate conventions to methods that -- at least in theory-- allow all members to vote for the leader. In the leadershipselections of the 1990s, Alberta’s governing Conservatives used aprimary balloting system, the opposition Liberal Party allowed membersto vote by phone, and the NDP held a traditional leadershipconvention.

In Quasi-Democracy? David Stewart and Keith Archer examinepolitical parties and leadership selection in Alberta using mail-backsurveys administered to voters who participated in the Conservative,Liberal, and NDP leadership conventions elections of the 1990s.Leadership selection events, they contend, provide rare opportunitiesfor observing the internal workings ... Read more

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Product Details

Publication date
University of British Columbia Press Canada
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Vancouver, Canada
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 7 to 11 working days

About David K. Stewart
David K. Stewart is a member of the Department ofPolitical Science at the University of Alberta. KeithArcher teaches in the Department of Political Science and isAssociate Vice-President (Research) at the University of Calgary.

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