Identity Development of College Students
Susan R. Jones
Identity Development of College Students
Building off the foundational work of Erik Erikson and Arthur Chickering, Identity Development of College Students adds broad and innovative research to describe contemporary perspectives of identity development at the intersection of context, personal characteristics, and social identities. The authors employ different theoretical perspectives to explore the nature of contexthow it both influences and is influenced by multiple social identities. Each chapter includes discussion and reflection questions and activities for individual or small group work.
Praise for Identity Development of College Students
"Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes have provided us with a ... Read more
"The authors masterfully present a holistic, integrative, and multi-dimensional approach to the identity development of today's college student. This text should be required reading for those engaged in research and practice in the areas of student affairs, counseling, higher education, and cultural studies."
SHARON KIRKLAND-GORDON, director, Counseling Center, University of Maryland, College Park
"Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes's work is ground-breakingcharting new scholarly territory and making one of the most significant contributions to identity literature in many years. Building on contemporary and traditional theoretical foundations, Jones and Abes offer new models of identity development essential for understanding a diversity of college students."
MARYLU K. MCEWEN, associate professor emerita, University of Maryland, College Park
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About Susan R. Jones
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