Professional and Therapeutic Boundaries in Forensic Mental Health Practice
Anne Aiyegbusi
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Description for Professional and Therapeutic Boundaries in Forensic Mental Health Practice
Paperback. For clinicians who work therapeutically with clients in forensic settings, the capacity to maintain boundaries is critical to safety as well as good treatment outcomes. The contributors to this multi-disciplinary book address the challenges of establishing boundaries in forensic settings to support practitioners in this aspect of their work. Editor(s): Aiyegbusi, Anne; Kelly, Gillian. Series: Forensic Focus. Num Pages: 288 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: JMK; MMQ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 243 x 174 x 15. Weight in Grams: 520.
People who use forensic mental health services are defined by the fact that they have violated boundaries, often in many ways. For clinicians employed to work therapeutically with this client group however, the capacity to initiate and maintain boundaries is critical to safety as well as to good treatment outcomes.
This book provides a thorough introduction to the subject of professional and therapeutic boundaries and their particular complexities within forensic mental health settings. The contributors, all experts in their respective fields, address the challenges of establishing working boundaries within forensic mental health services from multiple perspectives. They explore ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Number of pages
Forensic Focus
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
London, United Kingdom
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 5 to 9 working days
About Anne Aiyegbusi
Dr Anne Aiyegbusi is Deputy Director of Nursing, Specialist and Forensic Services within West London Mental Health NHS Trust. She has worked as a nurse in forensic mental health services for many years and is interested in integrating forensic psychotherapy with the nursing role. Additionally, she is interested in attachment theory and its application within forensic services.
Reviews for Professional and Therapeutic Boundaries in Forensic Mental Health Practice
there are benefits to be obtained from "dipping into and drawing pointers from" particular chapters.
Prison Service Journal, Michael Brookes, Director of Therapeutic Communities at HMP Grendon and visiting Professor at Birmingham City University This is an authoritative and highly readable book, both thoughtful and insightful. It is essential reading for all therapists committed to understanding and managing the ... Read more
Prison Service Journal, Michael Brookes, Director of Therapeutic Communities at HMP Grendon and visiting Professor at Birmingham City University This is an authoritative and highly readable book, both thoughtful and insightful. It is essential reading for all therapists committed to understanding and managing the ... Read more