Peace studies & conflict resolution
Results 181 - 200 of 494
Peace studies & conflict resolution
Hardback. This text builds on the original conceptualization of stable peace by Kenneth Boulding and adds contemporary theoretical and empirical understandings of its nature, causes, conditions, dimensions, and prospects for consolidation and expansion. Editor(s): Kacowicz, Arie Marcelo; Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov; Elgstrom, Ole; Jerneck, Magnus. Num Pages: 352 pages. BIC Classification: GTJ; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 234 x 155 x 24. Weight in Grams: 600.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2000
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 352
- Condition
- New
- V9780742501799
- 9780742501799
Condition: New
€ 221.28
€ 221.28
Paperback. This text builds on the original conceptualization of stable peace by Kenneth Boulding and adds contemporary theoretical and empirical understandings of its nature, causes, conditions, dimensions, and prospects for consolidation and expansion. Editor(s): Kacowicz, Arie Marcelo; Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov; Elgstrom, Ole; Jerneck, Magnus. Num Pages: 352 pages. BIC Classification: GTJ; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 227 x 150 x 19. Weight in Grams: 462.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2000
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 352
- Condition
- New
- V9780742501805
- 9780742501805
Condition: New
€ 66.93
€ 66.93
Paperback. How do women talk about peace and violence? What moves "ordinary" women into extraordinary activism? This book profiles ten influential women activists, relating their experiences and rhetorically analyzing their public communication in and about their efforts for peace. Editor(s): Kelley, Colleen E.; Eblen, Anna L. Num Pages: 224 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: GTC; GTJ; JFSJ1. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 227 x 149 x 12. Weight in Grams: 295.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2001
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 224
- Condition
- New
- V9780742508750
- 9780742508750
Condition: New
€ 64.74
€ 64.74
hardcover. This is the story of the Conflict Early Warning Systems (CEWS) project of the International Social Science Research Council. It relates the history of the project, presents its approach to anticipating violent conflict, and shows how it may be extended to other social science research arenas. Num Pages: 464 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: GTJ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 235 x 155 x 32. Weight in Grams: 730.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2001
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 464
- Condition
- New
- V9780742510272
- 9780742510272
Condition: New
€ 199.45
€ 199.45
paperback. This is the story of the Conflict Early Warning Systems (CEWS) project of the International Social Science Research Council. It relates the history of the project, presents its approach to anticipating violent conflict, and shows how it may be extended to other social science research arenas. Num Pages: 464 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: GTJ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 230 x 146 x 26. Weight in Grams: 612.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2001
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 464
- Condition
- New
- V9780742510289
- 9780742510289
Condition: New
€ 83.99
€ 83.99
Hardback. Teaching Peace carries the discussion of nonviolence beyond ethics and into the rest of the academic curriculum. This book isn't just for religion or philosophy teachers-it is for all educators. Num Pages: 304 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: GTJ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 236 x 157 x 21. Weight in Grams: 517.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 304
- Condition
- New
- V9780742514560
- 9780742514560
Condition: New
€ 188.85
€ 188.85
Paperback. Teaching Peace carries the discussion of nonviolence beyond ethics and into the rest of the academic curriculum. This book isn't just for religion or philosophy teachers-it is for all educators. Num Pages: 304 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: GTJ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 229 x 150 x 17. Weight in Grams: 386.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 304
- Condition
- New
- V9780742514577
- 9780742514577
Condition: New
€ 67.69
€ 67.69
Hardback. This work analyzes processes of nation-building and ethnic integration in Estonia and Moldova in order to increase our understanding of how social peace remains strong in one place and disintegrates in another. It employs both "on the ground" empirical studies and a theoretical framework. Editor(s): Kolsto, Professor Pal. Num Pages: 304 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: 1DVUE; 1DVUM; GTJ; JFSL; JPWS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 236 x 154 x 22. Weight in Grams: 531.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2002
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 304
- Condition
- New
- V9780742518872
- 9780742518872
Condition: New
€ 188.94
€ 188.94
National Integration and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Societies: Th...
Professor Pal . Ed(S): Kolsto
paperback. This work analyzes processes of nation-building and ethnic integration in Estonia and Moldova in order to increase our understanding of how social peace remains strong in one place and disintegrates in another. It employs both "on the ground" empirical studies and a theoretical framework. Editor(s): Kolsto, Professor Pal. Num Pages: 320 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: 1DVUE; 1DVUM; GTJ; JFSL; JPWS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 228 x 147 x 17. Weight in Grams: 417.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2002
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers United States
- Number of pages
- 320
- Condition
- New
- V9780742518889
- 9780742518889
Condition: New
€ 82.71
€ 82.71
Paperback. This collection of original essays is one of the first to examine the implications and efficacy of regional conflict management in the new world order. Editor(s): Diehl, Paul F.; Lepgold, Joseph. Num Pages: 320 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: GTJ; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 227 x 149 x 17. Weight in Grams: 400.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 320
- Condition
- New
- V9780742519022
- 9780742519022
Condition: New
€ 77.81
€ 77.81
Hardback. Distinguishes between effective and ineffective forms of face-to-face interaction in cases where agreement, disagreement, understanding, or misunderstanding prevail. This book is for scholars of conflict study, mediators, and others interested in the cognitive processes behind agreement and understanding. Num Pages: 320 pages. BIC Classification: GTJ; JFFE. Category: (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 220 x 135 x 22. Weight in Grams: 531.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2005
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 320
- Condition
- New
- V9780742527294
- 9780742527294
Condition: New
€ 171.74
€ 171.74
Hardback. Offers a thorough and accessible analysis of Catholic teaching on war and warmaking from its earliest stages to the present. Num Pages: 160 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: GTJ; HRCC7; HRCX6. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 235 x 158 x 18. Weight in Grams: 376.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 160
- Condition
- New
- V9780742531758
- 9780742531758
Condition: New
€ 136.33
€ 136.33
Paperback. Offers a thorough and accessible analysis of Catholic teaching on war and warmaking from its earliest stages to the present. Num Pages: 160 pages, bibliog , index. BIC Classification: GTJ; HRCC7; HRCX6. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 149 x 268 x 14. Weight in Grams: 258.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 160
- Condition
- New
- V9780742531765
- 9780742531765
Condition: New
€ 40.99€ 38.49
€ 40.99
€ 38.49
Hardback. In Breaking the Real Axis of Evil, Ambassador Mark Palmer has the gumption to argue what diplomats and political leaders dare not speak: that global peace will not be achieved until democracies replace the world's remaining dictatorships. Num Pages: 320 pages, Illustrations, maps, ports. BIC Classification: GTJ; JPHX. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 160 x 237 x 26. Weight in Grams: 608.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 320
- Condition
- New
- V9780742532540
- 9780742532540
Condition: New
€ 32.99€ 29.93
€ 32.99
€ 29.93
Hardback. Series: Globalization. Num Pages: 224 pages. BIC Classification: GTJ; WZ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 235 x 174 x 17. Weight in Grams: 399.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2005
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 224
- Condition
- New
- V9780742537002
- 9780742537002
Condition: New
€ 144.51
€ 144.51
Hardback. Introduces and explains the dynamics of conflict and resolution particularly in ethnic, ethnopolitical, and intercultural or intergroup conflicts. This book provides an overview of the elements of group conflict, ethnicity, identity, and diasporas. It explores key ways of using communication principles to resolve conflict. Series: Communication, Media and Politics. Num Pages: 214 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: GTJ. Category: (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 236 x 164 x 20. Weight in Grams: 454.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2006
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 214
- Condition
- New
- V9780742539938
- 9780742539938
Condition: New
€ 143.72
€ 143.72
Hardback. Reflects the range of thought by African Americans on the major wars fought by the United States. This book includes African American perspectives on 10 wars, from the Revolutionary War to the War in Iraq. Editor(s): Stanford, Karin L. Num Pages: 384 pages. BIC Classification: 1KBB; GTJ; JFFE; JFSL3; JW. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 238 x 163 x 30. Weight in Grams: 703.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2008
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 384
- Condition
- New
- V9780742541139
- 9780742541139
Condition: New
€ 131.26
€ 131.26
Hardback. The Power Paradox reveals how mainstream views of power restrict the conceptual insights needed to resolve conflict. Bennett identifies fascinating contradictions within discourses of power and relational dynamics, acknowledging the enduring quandary of power struggles: we are all implicated within them. Num Pages: 168 pages. BIC Classification: GTJ; HPS; JPWL. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 236 x 158 x 17. Weight in Grams: 399.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2012
- Publisher
- University Press of America United States
- Number of pages
- 168
- Condition
- New
- V9780761857969
- 9780761857969
Condition: New
€ 104.51
€ 104.51
Hardback. A Leadership for Peace is about Edwin Ginn's personal attempt to change world attitudes regarding the dangers of arming for war by appealing to logic, reason, and common sense. Num Pages: 264 pages, 3 illustrations. BIC Classification: 3JH; 3JJ; BGH; GTJ; JPW. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 5817 x 3887 x 21. Weight in Grams: 467.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2007
- Publisher
- Stanford University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 264
- Condition
- New
- V9780804754552
- 9780804754552
Condition: New
€ 86.66
€ 86.66
hardcover. A combination of heightened economic competition and an extreme concentration of power in geopolitics globalizes insecurity in the form of hyperconflict: a reorganization of political violence, a growing climate of fear, and increasing instability at a world level. Num Pages: 288 pages, 2 tables, 2 illustrations. BIC Classification: GTJ; JPS. Category: (U) Tertiary Education (US: College); (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Dimension: 236 x 150 x 18. Weight in Grams: 408.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2010
- Publisher
- Stanford University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 288
- Condition
- New
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- V9780804763752
- 9780804763752
Condition: New
€ 143.71
€ 143.71