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. Ed(S): Gabbay, Dov M.; Guenthner, Franz - Handbook of Philosophical Logic - 9781402006654 - V9781402006654
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Handbook of Philosophical Logic

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Description for Handbook of Philosophical Logic Hardback. Contains major contributions on the Logic of Questions, Sequent Systems for Modal Logics, Deontic Logic as well as Deontic Logic and Contrary-to-duties. This book is aimed at students and researchers whose work or interests involve philosophical logic and its applications. Editor(s): Gabbay, Dov M.; Guenthner, Franz. Series: Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Num Pages: 354 pages, biography. BIC Classification: HPL. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 235 x 155 x 19. Weight in Grams: 522.
suchquestionsforcenturies(unrestrictedbythecapabilitiesofanyhard- ware). Theprinciplesgoverningtheinteractionofseveralprocesses,forexample, areabstractansimilartoprinciplesgoverningthecooperationoftwolarge organisation.Adetailedrulebasedeffectivebutrigidbureaucracyisvery muchsimilartoacomplexcomputerprogramhandlingandmanipulating data. Myguessisthattheprinciplesunderlyingoneareverymuchthe sameasthoseunderlyingtheother. Ibelievethedayisnotfarawayinthefuturewhenthecomputerscientist willwakeuponemorningwiththerealisationthatheisactuallyakindof formalphilosopher! TheprojectednumberofvolumesforthisHandbookisabout18.The subjecthasevolvedanditsareashavebecomeinterrelatedtosuchanextent thatitnolongermakessensetodedicatevolumestotopics.However,the volumesdofollowsomenaturalgroupingsofchapters. Iwouldliketothankourauthorsarereadersfortheircontributionsand theircommitmentinmakingthisHandbookasuccess. Thanksalsoto ourpublicationadministratorMrsJ.Spurrforherusualdedicationand excellenceandtoKluwerAcademicPublishersfortheircontinuingsupport fortheHandbook. DovGabbay King'sCollegeLondon x Logic II IT Natural Program Artificialin- Logic p- language controlspec- telligence gramming processing ification, verification, concurrency Temporal Expressive Expressive Planning. Extension of logic poweroftense power for re- Time depen- Horn clause operators. currentevents. dent data. with time Temporal Specification Eventcalculus. capability. indices. Sepa- of tempo- Persistence Eventcalculus. rationofpast ral control. throughtime- Temporallogic fromfuture Decisionprob- the Frame programming. Problem.Tem- lems. Model checking. poral query language. temporal transactions. Modal logic. generalised Actionlogic Beliefrevision. Negation by Multi-modal quantifiers ... Read more

Product Details

Publication date
Kluwer Academic Publishers United States
Number of pages
Handbook of Philosophical Logic
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

Reviews for Handbook of Philosophical Logic
"The best starting point for exploring any of the topics in logic"                                                                  Encyclopaedia Britannica

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