Modeling Chemical Systems Using Cellular Automata
Kier, Lemont B.; Seybold, Paul G. (Virginia Commonwealth University); Cheng, Chao-Kun (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Modeling Chemical Systems using Cellular Automata provides a practical introduction to an exciting modeling paradigm for complex systems. The book first discusses the nature of scientific inquiry using models and simulations, and then describes the nature of cellular automata models. It then gives detailed descriptions, with examples and exercises, of how cellular automata models can be used in the study of a wide variety chemical, physical, and biochemical phenomena. Topics covered include models of water itself, solution phenomena, solution interactions with stationary systems, first- and second-order kinetic phenomena, enzyme kinetics, vapor-liquid equilibrium, and atomic and molecular excited-state kinetics. The student ... Read more
Thebook is both a textbook on applied Cellular Automata and a lab manual for chemistry (physics, engineering) courses with lab activity. It would supplement other lab work and be an additonal book the students would use in the course.
The authors have assessed the emerging need for this kind of activity in science labs because of the cost of the practical activitites and the frequent failure of some exercises leading to lost didactic value of some experiments. This book is pioneering an alternative that will grow in use.
There are no course directors who would use Cellular Automata exclusively. The authors see an emerging interest in this kind of work in courses that contain lab exercises. One such course is the graduate course that Lemont Kier gives in Life Sciences about complexity. He uses many examples and studies from Cellular Automata in the latter part of this course.
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