The Oral-literate Connection. Perspectives on L2 Speaking, Writing, and Other Media Interactions.
. Ed(S): Belcher, Diane D.; Hirvela, Alan
The Oral-Literate Connection: Perspectives on L2 Speaking, Writing, and Other Media Interactions presents the most current insights from research and theory on the numerous ways in which L2 speaking and writing support and enhance each other. Contributors to this collection not only report on recent research and theoretical developments but also on state-of-the-art pedagogical practices linking oral skills and literacy. Although research and theory are informed by practice throughout the text's four parts, the thematic organization proceeds from more theoretical and research-oriented issues to more classroom-based perspectives:
§ Theory and research on the interaction between speaking and writing
§ How speaking scaffolds ... Read more
§ How writing scaffolds speaking
§ How technology bridges speaking and writing
This volume offers readers both a compelling rationale for connecting speaking and writing in the L2 classroom and an informed means of making these connections. A wide array of theoretical and classroom-oriented topics is offered, ranging from sociocultural and second-language acquisition theory to classroom concordancing and blogging.
The book has a foreword by John M. Swales and an Afterword by Paul Kei Matsuda.
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About . Ed(S): Belcher, Diane D.; Hirvela, Alan
Reviews for The Oral-literate Connection. Perspectives on L2 Speaking, Writing, and Other Media Interactions.