Person-centred Therapy and CBT: Siblings not Rivals
Roger Casemore
Why do I need to learn about CBT and/or the Person-centred Approach? What can these techniques contribute to my counselling training and practice?
This book has some of the answers, showing humanistic, CBT and integrative therapists how to get to grips with each other′s approaches. CBT has become more fully present in the therapeutic landscape and therapists from other modalities are increasingly being required to understand or even train in the approach.
Responding to this growing pressure for change, Person-centred therapist Roger Casemore joins forces with Jeremy Tudway. Together they show how counsellors can ... Read more
This book is recommended for anyone studying Person-centred or CBT modules on counselling & psychotherapy courses, or experienced practitioners wishing to adapt their practice for NHS settings.
Roger Casemore is currently an Associate Fellow in Lifelong Learning at the University of Warwick and has a private practice as a therapist and supervisor of other therapists, based in Worcester.
Jeremy Tudway is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and a director of Phoenix Psychological Services, Warwickshire. In addition to this he lectures in CBT at the University of Warwick.
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About Roger Casemore
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