Contesting Illness
. Ed(S): Moss, Pamela; Teghtsoonian, Kathy
The relationship between power and illness is the subject of limited discussion despite it being one of the most important issues in health-related policies and services. In an effort to correct this, Contesting Illness engages critically with processes through which the meanings and effects of illness shape and are shaped by specific sets of practices. Featuring original contributions by researchers working in a number of disciplines, this collection examines intersections of power, contestation, and illness with the aid of various critical theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches.
The contributors explore experiences of illness, diagnosis, and treatment, and analyse wider discursive and ... Read more
Jan Angus
Pia H. Bülow
Peter Conrad
Joyce Davidson
Helen Gremillion
Maren Klawiter
Joshua Kelley
Steve Kroll-Smith
Katherine Lippel
Pamela Moss
Michael Orsini
Michael J. Prince
Annie Potts
Mary Ellen Purkis
Sharon Dale Stone
Cheryl Stults
Katherine Teghtsoonian
Jane M. Ussher
Catherine van Mossel
Product Details
About . Ed(S): Moss, Pamela; Teghtsoonian, Kathy
Reviews for Contesting Illness
Susan Philpin
Sociology of Health & Illness, vol 31:04:2009