BTEC National Health and Social Care – Student Textbook
Mark Walsh
These books provide your students with a strong and distinctive case study approach which will contextualise key issues with the Student Textbook for BTEC National Health and Social Care.
Covering the core units – enabling students to get a Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, or mandatory units towards a Diploma, Collins BTEC National Health and Social Care allows you to:
- Teach with confidence through assignments that enable students to produce their portfolios as they work through the activities connected to ... Read more
- Enable every student to progress with Pass, Merit and Distinction content clearly differentiated and signposted
- Engage students with unit content presented in clear sections using high quality illustrations and photographs that bring the subject to life.
Units covered:
1. Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care
2. Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care
3. Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care
4. Development Through the Life Stages
5. Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care
6. Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care
7. Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care
8. Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care
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About Mark Walsh
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