Traitors and True Poles: Narrating a Polish-American Identity, 1880–1939
Karen Majewski
During Poland’s century-long partition and in the interwar period of Poland’s reemergence as a state, Polish writers on both sides of the ocean shared a preoccupation with national identity. Polish-American immigrant writers revealed their persistent, passionate engagement with these issues, as they used their work to define and consolidate an essentially transnational ethnic identity that was both tied to Poland and independent of it.
By introducing these varied and forgotten works into the scholarly discussion, Traitors and True Poles recasts the literary landscape to include the immigrant community’s own competing visions of itself. The conversation between Polonia’s creative voices ... Read more
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About Karen Majewski
Reviews for Traitors and True Poles: Narrating a Polish-American Identity, 1880–1939
Polish American Journal
“This is a pioneering work. Majewski found and made sense of a treasure trove of popular literature written in Polish for and about Polish immigrants to the US in the late 19th and early 20th century…”
Traitors ... Read more